Roger Queiroz, Online Marketing Guru

Roger Queiroz,  Brazilian Online Marketing Guru, in recent visit to Campinas to discuss new online projects in partnership with Thomas Reaoch, the “Rei do Networking” “King of Networking” in Brazil had an opportunity to visit Amcham Campinas and ACIC, Campinas.

Roger Queiroz is Brazilian, lives and works in the United States. For the last 12 years and has followed the evolution of Online Marketing from its inception and has studied under the leading Online Guru´s in the US,  namely Eben Pagan, Frank Kern, Jeff Walker, Russell Brunson, Jeff  Johnson, John Carlton, Ryan Deiss, Mike Filsaime,Tony Robbins, among others.

Roger has successfully launched several online projects in English and Portuguese, his most recent product launch “Revelando o Successo” an innovative business training program for professional photographers.  In Brazil as in other parts of the world many professional photographers are excellent artists but sometimes lack business knowledge, administrative and marketing experience to guarantee sustainable success in an extremely competitive environment.

Revelando o Sucesso is a 60 day online training program which enables photographers, the person behind the shutter to belter mange all aspects of the business, from financial management, marketing and sales, work flow , human resource development, legal issues and data safety and protection.

Thomas F. Reaoch,  is an American living and working in Brazil. Thomas is CEO of RC Invest Ltda.and has extensive business experience in Brazil as an executive and business owner and is known as the king of networking. His extensive network of business connections gained from years of active participation in Business associations such as Amcham Brasil, American Chamber of Commerce Brazil, WTC Business Club World Ttrade Center and ACIC Associação Comercial e Industrial de Campinas. Thomas has trained members and employees of these organizations on the process of networking.

Thomas Reaoch and Roger Queiroz Online Marketing Guru.

Thomas is a social media coach offering in company and personal training on the use of social media as a global networking tool to generate sustainable virtual trust. He is  also author of  “Seja Executivo e nao Executado”a book on Personal and Professional planning for all ages.

Thomas and Roger first teamed up in 2009 on the launching of Talk 2 Brazil founded and hosted by Thomas. Talk 2 Brazil is still the world´s only English language internet radio program on business in Brazil.

The latest project blends Roger’s unique online experience and knowledge together with Thomas´s unique Networking experience to share their Processo do Sucesso  where the formula to success is networking + Online marketing.